About Fall Detection
Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury in older Australians. Nearly 1 in 3 older Australians experienced a fall during 2020 and, of these, 1 in 5 required hospitalisation *.
Most modern 4G/3G medical alarm pendants are equipped with a fall-detector which, given the above statistics, is a very worthwhile feature. However, there are some things you need to know about the limitations of fall-detectors.
Modern fall-detectors use sensors embedded in an integrated circuit to detect movement, acceleration and deceleration and, together with complex computer algorithms, try to determine what is, or is not, a fall.
Although the sensors and computer algorithms are very advanced, and are being constantly refined, fall-detection is not a perfect science - there are some types of falls that may not be properly detected, such as a gentle slip.
Fall detection in the Firstcall “Out and About” pendant is activated if requested at the time of ordering. The fall detection sensitivity is set to mid-sensitivity, which we have found to offer good results. The fall-detection can be switched on and off at any time, and the sensitivity can be changed, by sending the pendant text messages as described in the user manual.
Regardless of how good modern technology is, preventing a fall and all its likely ramifications is always going to be better than detecting a fall after the damage has been done.
Nearly 2 out of 3 falls happen in and around the home, and are commonly caused by poor lighting, unsafe footwear, slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and steps or uneven surfaces. Additionally, poor diet, not drinking enough water, or not keeping physically fit all increase the likelihood of having a fall *.
Time spent reducing the risk of falls around the home will be time very well spent.
* www.healthdirect.gov.au/falls
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